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External Rotation for Power, Speed, and Distance

Increase Power, Speed, and Distance…

If your trail elbow flies up in your backswing… you cast the club… you lose power, speed, and distance in your swing.

But it’s not your fault.

Simply trying to hold your elbow down won’t fix the issue.

Most people have rounded shoulders from sitting at a desk, or hunching over an iPad…

Rounded shoulders make it nearly impossible to get your trail shoulder into external rotation in your backswing… (This is why your elbow flies up. You have limited mobility, causing you to push the club out or cast.)

This exercise opens your shoulders back up after years of neglect.

When you first start, it may be difficult to get into external rotation and you won’t likely have much strength in this part of your shoulder.

Start small with this exercise and build up range of motion, then strength, then speed.

Having good external rotation of your shoulder lets you shallow the club, increasing your speed, to deliver a powerful swing through the golf ball.

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Increase Rotational Strength

Increase Rotational Strength

The golf swing is a complex movement…

Speed comes from the rotational strength in your core… but many people let their arms go wild.

The shoulder girdle has 19 muscle groups connecting your arm to your body.

It’s important to build up the stabilization muscles first, so your arms can stay in sync with your body, before you start trying to add anything extra to your swing.

Rotational Pull Downs and Lifts, rotating as you pull down and rotating as you lift… all while keeping your hands in front of your chest, strengthen the shoulder girdle and your rotational strength.

*Be sure to have one handle in each hand to strengthen both sides of your body.

Improve Your Balance, Stability, & Speed…

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Increase Overhead Reach

Improve Range of Motion and Overhead Reach…

Rounded shoulders are usually caused from a strong, tight chest pulling your shoulders forward.

We tend to work on our chests more than our backs, which leads to an imbalance and strong, tight chest muscles pulling the shoulders forward.

Use this stretch to relax the Pec Major which is pulling your shoulders forward and the Pec Minor which is making it harder for you to reach overhead. Immediately get a greater range of motion in your shoulders.

Improve Your Balance, Stability, & Speed…

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Figure 4 Focus Stretch

Figure 4 Focus Stretch

This is a great stretch for hip flexibility that you can do while sitting on the couch or lying in bed.

Stretch your hamstrings and glutes with the Figure 4 Stretch.

Discover effortless power in your swing with The Full Body Swing.

Click Here to Learn more about The Full Body Swing »

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Hamstring Test Focus Stretch

Focus Stretch – Hamstring Test…

We all get tight and stiff at some point.

When your legs and hips tighten up while you’re on the course, it can wreak havoc on your swing – from not finishing your swing… to low back pain… even injury.

This is one of my favorite exercises with an immediate result that you can do anywhere.

Take the hamstring test and use this quick active stretch to instantly get more flexibility.

Discover effortless power in your swing with The Full Body Swing.

Click Here to Learn more about The Full Body Swing »

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Knee Pain

Knee Pain

Use this exercise to reduce patellar knee pain…

A common golf injury is knee pain. With constant extensions and rotations of different parts of the knee, even the slightest of wrong movements can leave it susceptible to injury.

If you have knee pain from your patellar tendon (pain under the knee cap)… this exercise will actually help take away the pain.

Doing leg extension holds for just 30 seconds per leg everyday for a week can greatly reduce your patellar knee pain.

Use weights and build up strength, making sure you can still hold the weight for the full 30 seconds, to bulletproof your knees.

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Pallof Press for Core Stability

Pallof Press for Core Stability

Improve stability by resisting the rotation…

The Pallof Press is one of the best exercises to build strength and stability in your core, especially for golf.

The Pallof Press builds the muscles responsible for rotation in your core without unnecessary pressure and force on your body or joints.

This exercise is deceptively difficult.

It doesn’t look like you’re doing much on the surface… but inside, you’ll feel nearly every muscle responsible for rotation and stabilization firing.

You should find the tension that allows you to do 20 – 25 Pallof Presses max.

For an additional challenge, try an isometric hold with your arms extended. The right tension means you can hold it for at least 30 seconds but not more than 60 seconds.

Improve Your Balance, Stability, & Speed…

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Shoulder Mobility Test

Shoulder Mobility Test

Should you take a full swing? …

Take the Shoulder Mobility Test to see if you should be taking a full swing.

Shoulder mobility is an important part of playing golf.

If you have limited shoulder mobility, your body is going to compensate in other areas to make up for your swing. These compensations lead to pain in your low back, hips and knees…

Limited shoulder mobility is also the primary reason for inconsistent, weak ball striking.

Improve your mobility and bulletproof your shoulders with the Neck, Shoulders, & Mid Back Program.

Click Here to Get the Neck, Shoulders, & Mid Back Program »