If you’re just getting started in Long Drive... Come do a Club Demo.
If you’re serious about competing... Get a Pro Fitting. It’s worth it to know your equipment and groove your swing, as well as learn what adjustments you can make and when you should make them.
Serious long drive competitors should get fit at least once a year...
And whenever you have a major change in strength or speed, after a significant injury / surgery, or if you feel your equipment is not performing like it should.
We are in the Phoenix Metro area in Arizona. Specifically, we are conveniently located just off the South 202 and Arizona Ave. 221 E Willis Rd. Ste 14, Chandler, Arizona.
A Club Demo usually takes around an hour. A Pro Fitting takes two half days, usually spaced out by a day of rest in between.
A Pro Fitting takes two half days. The first session is inside. The second session is outside at the range. While we’re inside, we’ll go through a number of different configurations to find a prescription of what setup works best for you. Outside, we’ll take your favorites to see how they work and fly on the range. The idea is also that we’ll work through your entire swing cycle at each session, from warmup to exhaustion. Long Drive isn’t like playing a round of golf... it’s more like running a competitive marathon. Your first mile, the first half of the marathon, the back half, and your final kick are all different swings. A proper fitting prepares you for the whole race.
The fee for a Club Demo applies toward a same day purchase. The fee for the Pro Fitting is just for the fitting.
The Club Demo is indoors. The Pro Fitting is two sessions, the first is indoors, the second is outside at the range.
Yes, absolutely! You'll not only need to warmup with your own clubs, but you'll want to know where you're starting to see what opportunities new gear can provide for you.
You should wear golf attire, the same clothes you would wear for a Long Drive competition. You should always practice how you play. We hit on turf, so wear soft spikes or spikeless golf shoes.
We try to make it as easy as possible. Fill out the form and submit your information. You will get an email or a text, depending on your selection, with a link to schedule your fitting.
If you come to a fitting, you can order shafts and heads in person. If you already have an account or you'd like to set up an account, email support@prolete-athletics.com and we'll get your order squared away.
There are multiple hotels near the Prolete Performance Center. The Hilton Garden is located in Downtown Chandler, 1.5 miles away. Chandler features many rideshare services including Uber, Lyft, and even driverless cars through Waymo.