Understanding the Fade…
Amateur players tend to hit the fade on accident (a slice)…
Understanding how to hit a fade on purpose can help you control your drives and play better.
A fade can be a useful flight shape.
A fade is a ball that starts a little left and curves back to your target.
A fade usually has a little lower launch angle and more spin. Both of these elements mean less overall distance but also less opportunity to get into trouble.
More spin means the ball stops quicker and is less likely to roll into trouble.
A lot of Tour Pros hit a fade as their default swing for more control, especially on tight fairways and greens.
To hit a fade, open up your stance a little so you swing toward the left edge of the fairway but aim your clubface down the center of the fairway.
Opening your stance moves the ball back in your stance, encouraging you to hit the ball earlier in your swing while your clubface is still open and the club is still working down and to the right.
An open stance also makes it easier to swing down the left edge of the fairway since you aren’t changing your swing, you are changing the alignment of your body and letting your swing naturally work to the left of your target.
Understanding shot shapes and being able to hit various shapes will help you hit longer, straighter drives… not to mention make on-course corrections when you see yourself fall into old habits.
A lot of people think there’s one swing… one right way to hit a ball. Their goal is to “fix” their slice and change their slice into a draw…
A slice isn’t necessarily bad… but it’s a specialty shot.
When Tiger Woods hits a slice to get around a tree and find the green, it’s called a cut.
Each shot shape is a tool.
Instead of trying to trade one shot shape for another (ie. fixing your slice)… Start developing multiple tools.
Just like you have different clubs in your bag for different situations, you want to have different shot shapes in your bag.
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