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Hit 12 Yards Longer and 9 Yards Straighter…

Hit 12 Yards Longer… And 9 Yards Straighter?

Today’s video is from a friend over in England, Alex Elliott. (@HowGoodGolf)

From Alex –
“This Golf tee on says it can give you extra distance with your driver… and makes you a lot straighter than you are from the tee reducing off line golf shots by up to 9 yards! so did it actually work!? Some reviews say it does from real golfers so I had to see if it was true!!!”

Exclusive Limited Time Offer on Tornado Tees … Click Here »

Add 12 Yards to Your Average Drive. Previously created almost exclusively for World Long Drive competitors, the Tornado Tee is now available.

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Best High Performance Golf Tee

Best High Performance Golf Tee

The Official Tee of The World Long Drive

Today’s video is from a friend over in England, Alex Elliott. (@HowGoodGolf)

He puts the Tornado Tee to the test against other top high performance tees from Amazon including the FlightPath Tee.

*Spoiler Alert* the Tornado Tee averages 13 yards more carry for Alex than the FlightPath Tee.

The Tornado Tee is the #1 High Performance Tee used by more long drive champions than any other tee.

Long drivers love the Tornado Tee because a single tee can literally be used for 1000+ swings (even with 160+ MPH clubhead speed) and it stays where you put it. No more breaking and chasing dozens of tees… The extra distance and consistency is nice too.

The Tornado Tee is USGA and R&A conforming for all tournament play.

Want More Distance?

Exclusive Limited Time Offer on Tornado Tees … Click Here »

Add 12 Yards to Your Average Drive. Previously created almost exclusively for World Long Drive competitors, the Tornado Tee is now available.

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Understanding the Fade…

Understanding the Fade…

Amateur players tend to hit the fade on accident (a slice)…

Understanding how to hit a fade on purpose can help you control your drives and play better.

A fade can be a useful flight shape.

A fade is a ball that starts a little left and curves back to your target.

A fade usually has a little lower launch angle and more spin. Both of these elements mean less overall distance but also less opportunity to get into trouble.

More spin means the ball stops quicker and is less likely to roll into trouble.

A lot of Tour Pros hit a fade as their default swing for more control, especially on tight fairways and greens.

To hit a fade, open up your stance a little so you swing toward the left edge of the fairway but aim your clubface down the center of the fairway.

Opening your stance moves the ball back in your stance, encouraging you to hit the ball earlier in your swing while your clubface is still open and the club is still working down and to the right.

An open stance also makes it easier to swing down the left edge of the fairway since you aren’t changing your swing, you are changing the alignment of your body and letting your swing naturally work to the left of your target.

Understanding shot shapes and being able to hit various shapes will help you hit longer, straighter drives… not to mention make on-course corrections when you see yourself fall into old habits.

A lot of people think there’s one swing… one right way to hit a ball. Their goal is to “fix” their slice and change their slice into a draw…

A slice isn’t necessarily bad… but it’s a specialty shot.

When Tiger Woods hits a slice to get around a tree and find the green, it’s called a cut.

Each shot shape is a tool.

Instead of trying to trade one shot shape for another (ie. fixing your slice)… Start developing multiple tools.

Just like you have different clubs in your bag for different situations, you want to have different shot shapes in your bag.

Unlock the Power in Your Driver…

Click Here to Learn more about the Keys to Driver Distance »

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Hit A Draw For More Distance

Hit A Draw For More Distance…

Hitting a draw is easier than you think…

The hardest part of hitting a draw is letting go and trusting your swing.

The only reason you hit a slice is that your clubface is open (compared to your club path).

Thus… to hit a draw, we need to have our clubface closed at impact (compared to your club path).

The easiest way to hit a draw is turn the club in your hands so the club looks very closed, almost hooding the ball… and your hands look like you have a very strong grip.

If you turn the club in your hands you don’t have to do anything else to hit a draw.

Here’s the hard part… don’t change your swing!

You brain is a super computer. It realizes you have a bit of a weird grip and will try to make changes to your swing to compensate. DON’T!

You hit a slice because you leave the clubface open… to hit a draw, you have to learn to deliver a closed clubface.

Discover effortless power in your swing with The Full Body Swing.

Click Here to Learn more about The Full Body Swing »

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Swing Channel Drill

Swing Channel Drill…

If you want more distance and consistency with your driver…

You have to make centered contact…

You also need a good path that drives the ball…

Finally, you need confidence…

The Swing Channel Drill lets you practice and build confidence in your swing.

Build a channel to swing through. You can use just about anything to build your channel. I like to use tees or yoga blocks… you just want to be careful not to use anything too hard so you don’t damage your club if you accidentally make contact with your channel.

Practice delivering the club from the inside with a strong in-to-out path while making centered contact…

Discover effortless power in your swing…

Click Here to Learn more about The Full Body Swing »

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Optimize Your Launch Angle

Maximize Your Driver Distance…

Launch angle isn’t talked about much in golf… However, the right launch angle can add 20+ yards to your drive.

To maximize your driver distance, you have to optimize your launch angle.

If you want to get into the science, it’s called quadratic drag…

All you really need to know is that launching your driver between 15° and 18° will give you the best overall distance.

18° will fly a little farther but won’t roll out much. 15° won’t fly quite as far but will roll out more.

Use a launch monitor to help dial in your driver. Remember every minute on a clock is 6 degrees… so your target range is only half a minute on a clock face.

Hit Longer, Straighter Drives…

Click Here to Learn more about the Keys to Driver Distance »

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Stay Centered

Stay Centered for Consistency…

One of the keys to driver distance is keeping your head centered.

If you allow your head to drift, the ball is actually moving forward and back in your stance based on where your head is.

Use a T-Square to practice rotating around the centerline of the T-Square, keeping your head steady and centered as you rotate.

Hit Longer, Straighter Drives…

Click Here to Learn more about the Keys to Driver Distance »

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Down First, Then Around

Do This for a More Powerful Club Path…

One of the keys to driver distance is the club path… the path you use to deliver the driver to the ball.

Club path starts with how you begin the downswing.

If you rotate too early, you have no choice but to create an out-to-in path.

If you start your downswing with “Down” first… then rotate, you create a powerful inside-out path for the club to follow.

Watch the video for an easy drill to start creating a more powerful club path.

Hit Longer, Straighter Drives with the Keys to Driver Distance.

Click Here to Learn more about the Keys to Driver Distance »

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Stay Connected for Power

Stay Connected for More Power…

If you want a Powerful, Consistent, Easy, Pain-Free golf swing… you have to stay connected.

You can do this drill at the range before a round or even out on the course before a shot.

This drill will help you feel what it means to be connected and learn to stay connected all the way through the end of your swing.

One of the reasons we start to lose distance as we get older is because are hips stall and we start swinging with our arms…

Swinging with your arms takes a considerable amount of effort… and it makes it 10x harder to be consistent.

A Powerful, Consistent, Easy, Pain-Free golf swing starts with staying connected…

Start by rotating from address to the end of the swing (the end of your swing is full extension through the target line.)

Then take half swings, from 90° to 90° where the club is roughly parallel to the ground in your backswing and roughly parallel to the ground at the end of your swing.

Once your comfortable and feel like your arms and hands are in-sync with your body, add a ball.

If you’re on the range, hit at least 10 good connected shots before you move on to lengthening your swing.


  • Use your body to rotate.
  • Keep your arms in-sync with your body.
  • Keep your arms structured.
  • Keep your head over your centerline.
  • Flare your lead foot to take the pressure off your ankle.

Discover effortless power in your swing with The Full Body Swing.

Click Here to Learn more about The Full Body Swing »

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Quiz Result – Rotation Is Power

Rotation is Power

If stance and structure is about setting yourself up for consistency…

Rotation is about power and consistency.

Most high handicappers, those who struggle to control the ball, and short knockers swing with their arms…

Arm swingers struggle with consistency…

If you want power, distance, and consistency (without spending hours practicing at the range…), you need to learn how to rotate and swing the club with your body.

One of the reasons you lose distance as you get older is that you stop rotating.

When you rotate with your body, speed and power feels easy.

The Full Body Swing shows you how to use your body AND your arms efficiently. It starts by learning how to use your body… THEN add the arms.

Discover effortless power in your swing with The Full Body Swing.

Click Here to Learn more about The Full Body Swing »