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Check Your Swing At Home

Check Your Swing At Home…

If you want a powerful, easy, pain-free golf swing, you have to learn how to swing your hips…

Most people (especially those who took up golf as an adult) swing with their arms.

The arms are only 8% of your body weight… You are only using the muscles in your arm to accelerate the club, while effectively tethering the club to a 150 pound anchor… your body.

When you rotate your hips, the core of your body, to move the club, you are essentially using a 150 pound fly wheel to accelerate the club.

A Body-Driven swing feels easy and is more powerful because it doesn’t require brute strength and stress in your arms…

A Body-Driven swing leverages your body weight for a consistent, powerful, easy swing.

Use this drill to check your own swing and see how your body moves.

Discover effortless power in your swing with The Full Body Swing.

Click Here to Learn more about The Full Body Swing »

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Grip It & Rip It

More Distance Without Changing Your Swing…

Add some extra yardage with a stronger grip.

Most people believe a weak grip leaves the face open – causing a slice…

And a strong grip closes the face – causing a hook…

Slices and Hooks are caused by the clubface not your grip… Both a weak and strong grip can be squared at impact. (It actually has more to do with whether your hands and the handle of the club are ahead or behind the ball at impact… but we’ll save that topic for later.)

“Weak” vs “Strong” grip is not named for the clubface, they’re so named for your wrists.

With a little side bend and rotation, a neutral grip promotes passive arms and wrists.

A strong grip is closer to how you would hold a sledge hammer, using the strength of your wrists to push through and release the club.

A strong grip can add a few extra yards… but it does also add another variable.

Use a neutral grip for control. Use a stronger grip for extra distance.

Add Distance, More Control, Better Contact… Longer Drives, Fewer Putts, & Prevent Injury with Master Your Grip.

Click Here to Learn more about Master Your Grip »

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Hit it Straighter

90% of Amateurs Get This Wrong…

Use This Tip to Hit it Straighter… Directly At Your Target.

When you’re firing directly at your target… You’re more likely to miss.

90% of amateur players setup and aim incorrectly on the course.

Golf is a side-on game.

We set up looking at the ball, perpendicular to the target… usually 2-3 feet away from the ball.

You can think of the target line for the ball and the parallel line that you’re standing on like train tracks.

When you look at the target, your eyes are actually crossing the train tracks, from where your body is to where the target is.

This shows up in one of three ways:

  • Casting – When you swing to the ball, you actually throw your hands out toward the ball, causing you to cast the club and most often resulting in a slice.
  • Pushing – When you swing to the target, you are pushing your hands across the line, usually resulting in a push or small slice.
  • Stalling – The super computer that is your brain tells your body to decelerate or stop right around impact because your body is “square” to the target line. This can cause a hook, push or a weak slice.

High level players spend enough time with their clubs that they can essentially feel where the clubhead is at all times.

Amateur players tend to think of their hands instead of the clubhead, because it’s the only part we can feel.

Thinking of your hands is what causes you to push, cast, and stall when swinging to the ball or the target.

Instead of swinging to your target, imagine pushing a train down the train tracks.

Discover effortless power in your swing with The Full Body Swing.

Click Here to Learn more about The Full Body Swing »

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External Rotation for Power, Speed, and Distance

Increase Power, Speed, and Distance…

If your trail elbow flies up in your backswing… you cast the club… you lose power, speed, and distance in your swing.

But it’s not your fault.

Simply trying to hold your elbow down won’t fix the issue.

Most people have rounded shoulders from sitting at a desk, or hunching over an iPad…

Rounded shoulders make it nearly impossible to get your trail shoulder into external rotation in your backswing… (This is why your elbow flies up. You have limited mobility, causing you to push the club out or cast.)

This exercise opens your shoulders back up after years of neglect.

When you first start, it may be difficult to get into external rotation and you won’t likely have much strength in this part of your shoulder.

Start small with this exercise and build up range of motion, then strength, then speed.

Having good external rotation of your shoulder lets you shallow the club, increasing your speed, to deliver a powerful swing through the golf ball.

Improve Your Balance, Stability, & Speed…

Click Here to Learn more about the Best Bands for Golf »

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Increase Overhead Reach

Improve Range of Motion and Overhead Reach…

Rounded shoulders are usually caused from a strong, tight chest pulling your shoulders forward.

We tend to work on our chests more than our backs, which leads to an imbalance and strong, tight chest muscles pulling the shoulders forward.

Use this stretch to relax the Pec Major which is pulling your shoulders forward and the Pec Minor which is making it harder for you to reach overhead. Immediately get a greater range of motion in your shoulders.

Improve Your Balance, Stability, & Speed…

Click Here to Learn more about the Best Bands for Golf »

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Hamstring Test Focus Stretch

Focus Stretch – Hamstring Test…

We all get tight and stiff at some point.

When your legs and hips tighten up while you’re on the course, it can wreak havoc on your swing – from not finishing your swing… to low back pain… even injury.

This is one of my favorite exercises with an immediate result that you can do anywhere.

Take the hamstring test and use this quick active stretch to instantly get more flexibility.

Discover effortless power in your swing with The Full Body Swing.

Click Here to Learn more about The Full Body Swing »

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Keep Your Knuckles Down

Stay Down Through Impact for Better Rotation…

Even Tour Pros struggle with early extension. It’s easy to get excited and skip ahead, extending too early in your swing.

As well, when you get tired, you stop rotating and cause your hands to flip.

Swing thoughts are a dime a dozen, but if you struggle with contact, flipping, or early extension… This 90 second swing tip is for you.

Keep your knuckles down through impact.

This simple queue forces you to finish your rotation and your swing.

Discover effortless power in your swing with The Full Body Swing.

Click Here to Learn more about The Full Body Swing »

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Can Your Golf Tee Do This?

Can Your Golf Tee Do This?

World Long Drive Champion Martin Borgmeier swings a club 155+ MPH (faster than most people’s ball speed.)

It takes a special tee to stand up to that kind of abuse.

The patented flexible crown of the Tornado Tee is designed to reduce friction, increase distance, and tighten dispersion.

Add Up To 12 Yards to Your Average Drive…

Exclusive Limited Time Offer on Tornado Tees … Click Here »

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Don’t Cheat Your Backswing

Don’t Cheat Your Backswing

If you want more distance and consistency, don’t cheat your backswing.

Most people let their lead arm get pinned against their chest in their backswing.

You see pictures of Tour Players in this position, so it must be good… right?

What you see in a picture is an example of a dynamic position.

When you purposefully pin your arm against your chest, you lose width and extension in your backswing… this limits your turn… and you lose power.

The goal in a backswing is to turn your body with your hands in front of your chest, keeping as much width as possible.

This width does 2 things…

  1. It creates a longer lever for you to apply more force on a golf ball.
  2. It forces you to turn more to achieve a full backswing, engaging your most powerful muscles, your core.

The Full Body Swing shows you use your body AND your arms efficiently. It starts by learning how to use your body… THEN add the arms.

Discover effortless power in your swing with The Full Body Swing.

Click Here to Learn more about The Full Body Swing »

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Hack for Straighter Drives

Simple Hack for Straighter Drives

This simple hack will help you hit straighter drives on your very next swing.

WARNING: This hack only works for a short period of time…

If you Slice the Ball – Raise your tee.

If you Hook the Ball – Lower your tee.

This hack works because it changes the direction of your clubface, the same way hitting on the side of a hill does.

When the ball is above your feet (higher than normal), the club is heel down, toe up… so the loft on the club is actually pointing to the left. This is why it’s hard to hit the ball right when you’re on a hill.

When the ball is below your feet (lower than normal), the club is toe down… so the loft on the club is actually pointing to the right.

However, once you become accustomed to the new height for your tee (lower or higher), you’ll start returning to your old patterns and go back to leaving the clubface open or shut at impact.

To permanently fix your slice / hook, you have to change the pattern of your swing that is causing you to leave the clubface open / shut at impact.

The Full Body Swing shows you how to pattern your swing for consistency, using your body AND your arms efficiently. It starts by learning how to use your body… THEN add the arms.

Discover effortless power in your swing with The Full Body Swing.

Click Here to Learn more about The Full Body Swing »