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Check Your Swing At Home

Check Your Swing At Home…

If you want a powerful, easy, pain-free golf swing, you have to learn how to swing your hips…

Most people (especially those who took up golf as an adult) swing with their arms.

The arms are only 8% of your body weight… You are only using the muscles in your arm to accelerate the club, while effectively tethering the club to a 150 pound anchor… your body.

When you rotate your hips, the core of your body, to move the club, you are essentially using a 150 pound fly wheel to accelerate the club.

A Body-Driven swing feels easy and is more powerful because it doesn’t require brute strength and stress in your arms…

A Body-Driven swing leverages your body weight for a consistent, powerful, easy swing.

Use this drill to check your own swing and see how your body moves.

Discover effortless power in your swing with The Full Body Swing.

Click Here to Learn more about The Full Body Swing »

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Grip It & Rip It

More Distance Without Changing Your Swing…

Add some extra yardage with a stronger grip.

Most people believe a weak grip leaves the face open – causing a slice…

And a strong grip closes the face – causing a hook…

Slices and Hooks are caused by the clubface not your grip… Both a weak and strong grip can be squared at impact. (It actually has more to do with whether your hands and the handle of the club are ahead or behind the ball at impact… but we’ll save that topic for later.)

“Weak” vs “Strong” grip is not named for the clubface, they’re so named for your wrists.

With a little side bend and rotation, a neutral grip promotes passive arms and wrists.

A strong grip is closer to how you would hold a sledge hammer, using the strength of your wrists to push through and release the club.

A strong grip can add a few extra yards… but it does also add another variable.

Use a neutral grip for control. Use a stronger grip for extra distance.

Add Distance, More Control, Better Contact… Longer Drives, Fewer Putts, & Prevent Injury with Master Your Grip.

Click Here to Learn more about Master Your Grip »